Most engineers that use computer-aided design do so to produce, edit, and/or analyze graphical representations of product designs. Due to its many well-liked advantages, it has applications in numerous industries.

Through increased accuracy and a decrease in design errors, CAD software innovation keeps enhancing the design quality. Due to the centralization of design data and documentation, which creates a single source of truth for engineers and manufacturers, CAD software can also enhance communication.

PLM is a comprehensive strategy for product development that goes beyond software. It considers every stage of a product's lifecycle, from innovation to reuse, recycling, and repurposing.
PLM platforms are collections of related software that connect people, processes, and data to foster fluid collaboration.
Creating products that are straightforward, effective, and sustainable.

The platform is a collection of tools that assist your teams in their various duties. Each of your groups should be ready to adopt an entirely new approach to product development when you deploy PLM in your company.

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